Automated Website Monitoring Solution with Forage AI


Get change monitor to track

competitive intelligence

industry trends

regulatory change

price change

job posting

social profile

career updates

product availability

travel deals

stock price

flight price & schedule

auction and sale

property listing

Unmatched flexibility: customize your website tracking

DIY tools (weed out irrelevant changes)

DIY tools (weed out irrelevant changes)

Parse, structure and format changes (digestible)

Parse, structure and format changes (digestible)

Simple browser extension

Simple browser extension

Use filters for precise tagging and monitor at your preferred frequency. You have complete control, whether it’s one tag or a million.

Choose the perfect monitoring schedule

Choose the perfect monitoring schedule

Choose the monitoring frequency that best suits each data point, ranging from daily to monthly.

Get relevant change notifications

Get relevant change notifications

Receive timely notifications for critical updates while minimizing alerts for less urgent changes.

Industry-specific monitoring

Industry-specific monitoring

Define custom settings to track industry-specific data fields, ensuring you get clean and relevant data.

Adaptable Monitoring

Adaptable Monitoring

Change Monitoring seamlessly adapts to webpage modifications, ensuring your data remains consistent and accurately monitored, even when layouts shift.

Partners beyond the data

Partners beyond the data

Change Monitor effortlessly bypasses website security challenges, granting you access to the data you need, regardless of website restrictions.

Accurate Status Updates

Accurate Status Updates

Receive clear notifications like “No Diff,” “Diff Generated,” “Keyword Not Found,” and “Forever Failing,”. Allowing you to  understand and prioritize changes quickly.

Tag anything, anywhere

Tag anything, anywhere

Change Monitor utilizes XPath for efficient tagging and empowers further personalized with filters and keywords.

Make the web work for you


Setup Chrome extension

submit the URL of the website to monitor


Select the data fields

To track


Set tracking frequency

As per your need


Start monitoring

Get instant alerts on data change


What does the website monitoring setup process look like?
Setting up the website monitoring pipeline is a breeze. We leverage a user-friendly Chrome extension as the tagging tool. Once installed, the extension requires minimal interaction – just use your browser as you normally would. Data tagging only needs to be done once for each relevant element, and you can then monitor it at your desired frequency.
Is Forage AI website monitoring tool suitable for both individual and enterprise use?
How quickly can we run the website monitoring process after tagging the relevant data points?