Automated News Data Aggregation

400 +

articles per automated

1600 %

increased Efficiency In
Data Extraction

Get News Crawler for

public relations

investor briefing

product launch

crisis management

political campaign

market sentiment

M&A Tracking

content marketing

public relations

investment research

product & service improvement

marketing campaigns

new market opportunities

experts verification

reputation management

News at your fingertips: Stay informed on the go

Real-time monitoring and alerts

Real-time monitoring and alerts

Continuously scans thousands of sources, such as news websites, blogs, and social media, to get instant notifications on specific topics, keywords, or sentiment.

Data aggregation and filtering

Data aggregation and filtering

Gather data from various sources and access powerful filtering tools to eliminate irrelevant information and focus on what matters most.

High level of customization

High level of customization

Allows users to tailor alerts, sources, and dashboards to their needs, ensuring the information delivered is highly relevant.

Advanced analytics

Advanced analytics

Equipped with sophisticated features with historical access for sentiment analysis and trend forecasting, providing insights beyond basic news collection.

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage

Includes a broad spectrum of sources like news outlets, blogs, and social media across various languages and regions, offering a global view of your interests.

Scalable architecture

Scalable architecture

Designed to handle increasing data demands, seamlessly growing with your business needs.

Deliver accurate and timely insights



Advanced algorithms to identify relevant articles



Automated identification of articles that match specific criteria, such as keywords or topics.



Extract crucial data points like headlines, authors, publication dates, and content.


Human oversight

Dedicated QA team to review and deliver data with accuracy and relevance.


What is a News Crawler?
News Crawler is a powerful tool that automatically gathers news articles from various sources. It can be customized to track specific topics, industries, or regions, providing the most relevant and up-to-date information.
What makes News Crawler unique?
How can News Crawler benefit my business?
Can News Crawler be customized to my specific industry?
How does News Crawler ensure the reliability of the news?